If you wanna to get big – and stay big – then you need to train big and heavy. When it comes to back training, the basic compound movements are going to be the most effective for you to use, whether you’re a beginner (looking to learn how to lift), an intermediate bodybuilder (adding all your mass) or an advanced lifter seeking muscular refinement.
It’s gotta start with the deadlift, plain and simple. Keep the weight heavy, using chalk and a back brace, and knock out 4 to 5 sets of 6 to 12 repetitions. Train to failure but don’t try to cheat up the weight – that can lead to injury.
Next, move on to barbell rows. There are only two things to remember here. First off, you have to raise the weight to your belly button. Second, you have to use some heavy brutal weight! Keep the weight low enough to ensure that you are the one controlling it, and that you’re not just allowing the forces of momentum to do the work. Outside of that, let your muscle failure be the only indicator that your 4 sets of 8 to 15 barbells rows are complete.
Now it is time to get chinning! Keep the form as good as possible, but a little bit of cheating is allowed. You get those 4 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions completed at any cost! Follow up your chins with 4-5 sets of lat pulldowns of varying angle and approach. Your balance will begin to fail, as will your muscles, so this is a good time to lessen the weight and go for the pump and burn!
Beginner lifters will want to use moderate weight and solid form as they learn the ropes of completing these movements. Intermediate bodybuilders can go all-out heavy, letting the repetition range dip and the weights used skyrocket. Advanced lifters will want to cut back the weight, as their bodies are reaching the ceiling. The joints and tendons cannot increase their workload capability forever. As a result many advanced lifters reduce the weight they use and use more repetitions. They’re just trying to polish the existing muscle, not build any new.
Whatever your level, you should always train the back with heavy compound movements using good form and lots of intensity. Avoid injury, train with consistency, and given a few years, you will reach your natural level of maximum muscular development potential!