You’re old, but you’re not dead. You’re ready to show those young-ins just what you’re made of on the bench press. Here are some ideas to help you avoid injury while conquering the bench press after age 35.
Stick with inclines
Most older lifters eventually abandon the flat bench press completely, opting for incline movements which alleviate some of the angles which lead to injury in many lifters. Be smart as your flexibility lessens.
Dumbbells always safer
If barbell is good, then dumbbells are great. Better range of motion, better pectoral isolation, and fewer degrees of strain on the shoulder joint. Be smart – use dumbbells frequently.
Remember that is IS okay to drop them!
Many lifters incur injuries attempting to set down 80 or 100 or 120 pound dumbbells after a set. Don’t be obnoxious, but it is acceptable to drop them safely to avoid that major danger and strain that comes from the awkward path of descent. Or use a spotter!
Watch the other muscle groups
Watch your incline when it comes to training shoulders. Many lifters will use a straight 90 degree angle when hitting their shoulders. The result is undue stress on their AC and RC joints. This may affect their bench pressing in a major way. Work to avoid injuries in other areas which will affect your benching – shoulders and triceps in particular.

Train for balance
It’s sad whenever you see a 17 year old kid only training chest and biceps in the gym. It’s pathetic when we see a 38 year old training in that manner. Come on, man! You’re not training for the other teenagers, you’re training to develop a fully functional physique. Hitting the chest while ignoring the back and triceps will leave you injured faster than you can say “What’s a squat rack?”
Watch the 1RM
Maxing out with the most possible weight for a single repetition is fun when you’re 22 and the king of the weight room. However, once you reach a point where you are closer to 70 than you are to birth, it is time to start thinking longer term. No longer can you get away with reckless lifting, enjoying the ability to sleep off anything. Take it easy, while still training very hard.
Respect injuries
If you tweak something when training the upper body, show extreme caution when targeting the chest with bench press that week. Small dings that would recover in a few days can become injuries that will plague you for a lifetime, if left unchecked.